The aim of life is unclear, illusionary, debatable, and extremely subjective. It may be to find long-lasting enjoyment, fulfillment, and identity, or it may be to learn its meaning and accomplish its ever-changing strategies, or it may be to do nothing at all. Although a person receives everything from Mother Nature and her creation, conscious awareness, language, the ego, identity, likings, desires, attractions, relationships, status, and recognition, it is still limited to a limitless available. Thereby, it becomes full of difficulties, shortfalls, inadequate learning, and compromises that cause more pain than joy. In addition to genetic makeup, race, parental upbringing, and educational attainment, Mother Nature’s forces and the ever-changing environment present obstacles as well as wonders for all living things in their existential flux. In the various social and cultural economic strata, the majority of people make ends meet, closing the aspiration-achievement gap, and despite having access to the best relationships and living conditions, they continue to struggle for human identity, greed, evolution, jealousy, and vengeance. As a result, they remain agonized, in pain, not even enjoying the bare minimum.

A word’s meaning is hidden in its anonymity, and every facet of human knowledge has advantages and disadvantages. Since the turn of the century, science has advanced at an exponential rate in all spheres of life, but it has also drawbacks that have negatively impacted lifestyle choices in the form of health problems, social isolation, strained interpersonal relationships, irregular sleep patterns, poor dietary choices, and environment pollutions. Despite the human brain’s limited potential in proportion to Nature’s gift, our daily lives rarely force us to confront learning the things that matter to each of us. Instead, we turn to our families, teachers, peers, religion, role models, the media, or travel for guidance. The best places to learn from the collective experiences of others are through group conversations, expert-led discussions, or self-help literature. All of this depends on how well it speaks to the knowledgeable, how well it meets his or her particular needs, and how well an individual can apply the ideas and techniques to their daily life. A needy individual with poor emotional intelligence may become addicted to this kind of advice because the majority of it is based on one’s own experiences rather than on established scientific facts

All of us have been carried away by watching, hearing, and interacting, new skills and on and on. May be things we have never tasted; we may like too. Short cuts to enjoy fruiting has short life, while deep understanding can strengthen and provide us tools of making or finding own ways of good life. Most of us have concern about situations which do not suit us, and somehow continue living, making compromises as a part of our life. This reading will help you to know, how things take up shapes in our life, what best humans have been gifted by the Almighty and sparing little time for yourself can check your mental agony, improve your emotional intelligence and stress management. The target population are teens and twenties college going young adults, entrepreneurs, brain mind scientists’, deep thinkers and knowledge seekers. Just like any individual with unclear dreams and blurred vision you may invent something of use or excitement. You must evaluate for how much time and in which way a self-help book is useful. Did self-help book you read last, assisted in checking failure, dis-satisfaction, décor identity, select the best friends or achieve the best aspired? This is your journey; choose what matters and its persistency by picking up lot many issues from the script written in this book.

This world is beautiful, enriched with unimaginable wonders, attractions, gifts, surprises which generates never ending contagious desires, belongings and enjoyable gratification. Consciously the best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched but near to our heart these are our rejoiceful feelings. No one ever came to this world with a tag or an objective; and slowly over time gets to know self, language, needs, feelings and awareness. Knowledge of syndromic conversation of disciplines like neurosciences, psychology, spiritualism, philosophy, shares a common platform that catalyzes brain and mind evolution. This brings out the best, and reshapes you with strong immunity and evolutionary sense.

Conscious creativity, its cognitive and conative functions are achieved in continuum from parents, schooling, peers, inter personal relationship and versatile endless outer world dynamism and circumstances. One and all accepts and live in this give and take, never ending complexities, people selfishness, greed, dishonesty making the best from available. This is very rarely, rare persons opt and show inquisitiveness to self-engineering, that too when pushed out of their comfortable zones by some sort of incidence or accidents. Directionless one.


We all have a story to tell, to express our inner feelings and desire through a communicating system. One of this, a book writing does have its own uses and pitfall. With a long journey of seven decades plus of knowingness, attachments and detachments started his illusionary living from country side in North West India cotton fields as a farmer, later qualified medical graduation with honors in 1971. Thereafter he entered his alma matte Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh – an institute of national importance placed directly under parliament of India, qualified postgraduation in General Medicine in 1976, cleared ECFMG Pennsylvania in 1974, monitored public health services in Government of Himachal Pradesh till 1983 executing family health, population control, maternity child welfare activities, polio and malaria eradication programs. Coming back to his alma matte he pursued senior residency, qualified post-doctoral education in clinical neurology and served as a faculty member from 1985 till 1994 as an Associate Professor. Having 52 years experiences in medicine he undertook indoor/ outdoor clinical practices, taught post graduates students of medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, senior resident of neurology and neurosurgery.

Dr Bansal wrote three dozen of research papers and chapters in national and international medical journals and books of repute, in addition to facilitation of “fellowship by World Health Organization in Maryland” and “Indian Academy of Neurology”. Presently he is President of Indian Association of Age Management. With a large experience in medicine, he had glimpse of livings styles of about fifty percent world population and does have compassion for knowledge, philosophy, spiritualism and try understanding the layers of mind in making, its function and dynamism. We all love or hate something, and want to change it with words and action. After all, Pen is stronger than a Sword, and thus this sharing of his attributes and experience in writings. This book is available in the digital form as well as paper back form.

Overview of the book

The Mind 

Do you want to change? Volume 1

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